New York World Tour Session Resources

Deliver Impactful Messages with Email Marketing

Thank you for joining Karmel James and me for our session, Deliver Impactful Messages with Email Marketing at New York World Tour. Below are resources we compiled for your reference as you shape or reshape your marketing operations, including the slides we displayed onscreen.



  1. What audience will be targeted?
  2. What is the call to action?
  3. Where does this fall in the content schedule?
  4. What mediums will be used to transmit the messaging?
  5. What A/B testing is needed, if any?
  6. Is this material for Sales to use in outbound prospecting or is pure Marketing effort?


  1. What can be automated?
  2. What should be automated?
  3. What should NOT be automated?
  4. What happens if the automation fails?
  5. Should any of your automations initiate another automation or process?


  1. Who is testing the process?
  2. What needs to be tested?
  3. What is the happy path?
  4. What are the edge cases?
  5. What are the anticipated results for a happy path test? For an edge case?
  6. What is not being tested?
  7. What assumptions are being made?
  8. Where in the standard testing steps can someone exit the experience and attempt to rejoin?
  9. Where are automations triggered in the testing steps?


  1. How do you measure success?
  2. Do sales and marketing track the same metrics?
    • Are sales and marketing aligned?
    • Any other teams involved or should be?
  3. Do you have defined KPIs?
  4. What types of reports do you need and who should see them?
  5. Do you need a dashboard? If so, who is the audience?
  6. Are these metrics reviewed regularly by the organization to evaluate whether these are still accurate and relevant for the organisation?


  1. Who is going to read this?
  2. Where will it be kept?
  3. How will this be distributed?
  4. What questions came up during the project?
  5. What new information was learned?
  6. What were the steps taken to test?
  7. Who were the stakeholders on the project?
  8. What is automated and why?

Additional Resources

MarDreamin 2022 SFMC Session Resources

Why Admins Need to get Familiar with Marketing Cloud

Thank you for joining me at my Why Admins Need to get Familiar with Marketing Cloud session at MarDreamin 2022. I hope you enjoyed the session. To help you get more familiar with the Salesforce Marketing Cloud, I have compiled the links referenced in the session.

Related Sessions at MarDreamin 2022

Resource NameSpeakers
Supercharge Data-Driven Experiences with Customer Data PlatformJenny Smith, Jill Katz, and Andrew Lee
Bring the Magic to B2B Marketing with Genie and Account EngagementNeha Shah, Andrea Tarrell, Nathan Maphet, Eric Zenz, Jay Wilder
Why Salesforce Admins Should Get To Know Marketing CloudChris Zullo
All MarDreamin Sessions


Have questions? Let me know in the comments.

DF22 SFMC Session Resources

Why Admins Need to get Familiar with Marketing Cloud

Thank you for joining me at my Why Admins Need to get Familiar with Marketing Cloud session at Dreamforce. I hope you enjoyed the session. To help you get more familiar with the Salesforce Marketing Cloud, I have compiled the links referenced in the session, and beneath these are the slides as seen during the session.


Have questions? Let me know in the comments.

SED22 Session Resources

Why Admins Need to get Familiar with Marketing Cloud

LC22 Session Resources

Why Admins Need to get Familiar with Marketing Cloud

LC21 Session Resources

Inside Out of the Box: Marketing Success

Here are a few resources to help you on your way to Marketing Success
Source: Disney Pixar via Giphy

System of Engagement

In order to engage and support people at the center of whatever service, product, or program you are offering, it’s important to create and maintain a connected and consistent view of them in order to deliver a successful experience.

People engage with people

Throughout my career, conversations around an organizations CRM (aka Customer Relationship Management system) have referred to it as the system of record (SOR) or source of truth (SOT). These terms are not always interchangeable. For the purpose of this post, I will consider them one in the same, SOR/T for short. Next, I will define what is a system of engagement and how it relates to CRM.

For all intents and purposes, The Salesforce Marketing Cloud is a communication and engagement platform used to share information through various channels to engage with your audience (customers, constituents, students, patients, donors, and . . . you get the picture that this list can go on for a while). What it is NOT, is the single source of truth for any one individual. It can, however, be the single source of digital engagement. It can even support traditional offline communications, but that is conversation for another day.

Regardless of the channel of communication, people expect a consistent experience and at minimum for you to get their name right, should you choose to personalize your messages. Email, mobile, or any communication channel for that matter, should leverage the same view of the person to whom they are delivering messages.

Your system of engagement isn’t just for marketing. For more on this topic, refer to my post titled End the Marketing Cloud. Just like channels shouldn’t matter, the stage that each person chooses to engage with you should not prevent you from delivering consistent communications where, different parts of your organization are aware of what has happen so far and should be able to make informed decisions when responding to or initiating a conversation. For example, if a person has requested support with a product/service, it would make sense not cross/up-sell something else before you have resolved their concern. Similarly, if I just bought something, I hope I’m not immediately bombarded with ads everywhere I go to buy the thing I just bought! In cases where I just donated to a cause, does it really makes sense to hit me up immediately after with another a request for more money?

The point is your CRM and SOE should be connected with each other, and connected with other systems, as needed, to ensure the best possible view of the people who have chosen your organization. They are not obligated to choose you and you should not assume they always will. Do what you can to connect the fragments of their profile so that you can thoughtfully utilize it to deliver and respond with timely messages for any and all relevant occasions.

Even if you have all your systems mapped and documented with respect to how your systems are connected, have you mapped out the various touch points between you and those who have engaged with you? Are these reflected in your overall architecture? Are there any gaps or areas of opportunity to improve profile accuracy? As automated as society has become, people still expect people to be on the other end. That is why it’s important to put as much care and thought into your system of engagement as your system of record or source truth.

End the Marketing Cloud

It’s time for the Salesforce Marketing Cloud (product) to end.

If only I could get Luke Skywalker himself to utter these words the same way he delivered a similar line in the Last Jedi, “It’s time for the Salesforce Marketing Cloud (product) to end.” Especially, after the recent renaming for the Community Cloud (product) as the Experience Cloud (blog). That name change was made to include various enhancements and product additions.

The term marketing does not encompass all that the cloud it represents is capable of doing. It hasn’t for a while. I’ve had countless conversations with friends, colleagues, and customers who share a similar point of view. Sure, you can market with it, but not everyone that uses it, markets, at least that not all they do. The Marketing Cloud platform, which is what it truly is, does so much more than just market.

The Marketing Cloud support multiple channels, and when combined provide a omni-channel engagement and communication solution for many industries and organizations. For example, many higher education institutions use Marketing Cloud’s email, mobile, and social tools to engage with its students and their families on a number of topics. Add in former and prospective students to the mix and you’re looking at marketing, service, fundraising to name a few.

A few years ago, after delivering a session focused on Marketing Cloud, I referenced an old analogy that organizations are either looking to increase revenue or decrease costs. This analogy fell flat with the higher education portion of the audience. A good friend of mine, who is a career member of the higher ed community and present at the time, gently corrected me. That’s when I realized the Marketing Cloud is all wrong. It’s not inclusive enough. It’s far too limiting, and does not project to current and potential users what its true nature is.

The Salesforce CRM (Sales/Service Clouds) in many cases is considered the source of truth (SOT) or system of record (SOR). This is very common when integrated with the Marketing Cloud, which I like to refer to as the system of engagement (SOE). That is why Salesforce should “end” the Marketing Cloud as we know it. It’s time for the rise of the Engagement Cloud!

Radian6’s Twitter Firehose gets Super Sized

This week Salesforce announced it is expanding its relationship with Twitter, giving Radian6 customers greater access to Twitter content through its API. This is great news for those looking to do more with all the data captured through Radian6. In short, if you build it, they (the tweets) will come with more than a just the URL. Now you can analyze the data in ways not available through the previous agreement. This is an exciting opportunity for developers to get creative and build smarter apps to make sense of all the data coming through. No longer restricted to the declarative options out of the box, things are about to get interesting with custom app development as it relates to making smarter decisions with data received from Twitter. I am looking forward to hearing how others take advantage of this expanded access to better serve their customers. In the meantime, you can guess what I’ll be working on!